
Hopepunk is the podcast about informed optimism, hosted by JL and Raj. Look beyond the news of doom and join two founder friends to talk about what’s going right in the world. There has never been a better time to be alive and we’re here to prove it to you.

Unlock Optimism

Life has generally gotten better every decade for the last few centuries. It doesn't feel that way because the world is more volatile in parts. Yet, we are more pessimistic than ever, which drains our energy.

Charts or it didn't happen

What if technology keeps getting better? What is energy becomes abundant? What if cancer is cured? The future might be as brilliant as some think it will be. We have good reasons to be hopeful. This makes us more optimistic and give us energy. Maybe it will give you more energy too.

We're on a mission to help the world be 1% more optimistic about the future.

We're excited to introduce you to our projects. We hope that you enjoy this content. If you feel inspired to contribute ideas or support, contact us.

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